What is it, and How Do We Change It?
Have we ever wondered why we love to stay in our comfort zone? Like, what is the actual science behind it?
Neural pathways, like ruts in soil from water, are created in our brain by repetition – stuff we’re used to doing all the time.
So, if we try something new, our brain identifies it as risky and goes into survival mode – or at least safety mode.
We are designed to not only stay safe, but to maintain stability – homeostasis. Glucose level, blood pressure, and heart rate remains stable to support life. If our heart rate increases from exertion, it’s only temporary and the body eventually stabilizes.
Our brain is like that.
In the non-anxiety based comfort zone, like exercising or learning a new game, going out of the comfort zone is easy but we soon lose the motivation.
Creating motivation depends on our utilization of dopamine – the feel-good chemical our brain releases.
If we introduce small practices, where negligible willpower is required, we’ll feel good when we accomplish it, getting a hit of dopamine. Once it’s part of our comfort zone, add another small practice. Before we know it, a new habit is formed!
In anxiety-based comfort zone, like public speaking for example, anxiety stops us from trying something new. We imagine what it will be like, even if we’ve never experienced it, and this mental picture is what creates resistance. If we try the scary thing often enough, it will become easier and easier until it’s comfortable.
To speed up the process, we can enlist dopamine and other chemicals our body produces here as well, by doing things like smiling, gratitude, and joyful thinking.
So, the quote “Life begins at the end of our comfort zone” isn’t totally accurate when we are really expanding our comfort zone, and not breaking out of it.
To grow as a person, we need to expand our comfort zone regularly.
You may have a hidden talent that can only be discovered if you’re willing to get a little uncomfortable. I’d hate to see you miss opportunities for our best life!