Easy Ways to Improve Your CEO
Some researchers have even proposed that executive functioning may better predict success than does IQ.
The CEO of our life resides in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of our brain and is primarily responsible for the following functions.
- Metacognition (self-awareness)
- Inhibition (self-control)
- Working memory (short-term memory to apply or complete a task)
- Emotional regulation (self-control, impulse control)
- Motivation regulation
- Flexibility
- Organization
- Planning (time management)
- Problem-solving
- Task initiation
- Perseverance (stick-to-it ive-ness)
- Focus
As you can see, the PFC plays a significant role in success. If the PFC is healthy your life will follow suit!
Strategies to Improve Executive Function
A general rule: start incorporating changes one step at a time.
Eating a healthy diet will improve brain function at all levels (avocado, fish oil, leafy greens, colorful veggies, berries, tea/coffee, walnuts, fermented foods, dark chocolate).
Physical exercise carries blood and oxygen to your brain, improving brain health and function.
Mind management is critical for healthy brain function (mental detox, stopping negative and pessimistic thinking, forgiveness, etc.)
Games like Simon Says or Memory.
Assess profession and personal relationships.
Martial arts
Develop mnemonics for important tasks
Kindness meditation/prayer.
Quick breathing exercise.
Take a “this will work for my good” attitude.
Start the day mentally going through the schedule.
Do a task immediately if it takes less than 3 minutes.
Do a brain dump with sticky notes that can be rearranged easily.
Start the day planning how you will manage your to-do list.
Start and complete one task (or chunk) before starting another.