Category: Memory Health
Articles and resources for memory health
Why Learning Becomes a Chore
The Science Behind It Why do preschoolers LOVE to learn and the rest of us don’t? When does our brain become so resistant to education? There are a couple of reasons. One. Babies’ brains can’t not learn. From birth to about two, our brain absorbs everything, like a sponge, just like people always say. No… Read more
6 Ways to Improve Your Memory
There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Memory – Only a Trained or Untrained One The region in the brain most associated with memory is the hippocampus and is a major component of the limbic system. We have two hippocampi, one on each temporal lobe and the name is for its shape, which resembles a… Read more
Alcohol and Memory
Pick Your Poison? Even one drink can have an impact on your cognitive and impaired memory. Alcohol is neurotoxic, meaning it is poison to your brain and damages brain cells, so its short-term and long-term effects can be dangerous. Blackouts (no memory of events during intoxication, not passing out) occur when your body’s alcohol levels… Read more
Improve Executive Functioning
Easy Ways to Improve Your CEO Some researchers have even proposed that executive functioning may better predict success than does IQ. The CEO of our life resides in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of our brain and is primarily responsible for the following functions. As you can see, the PFC plays a significant role in success.… Read more