Author: Gen
7 Ways to Calm Your Mind
Calm Yourself Fast 7 ways to make yourself feel better fast when you’re feeling anxious, depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed. They are very simple to do, they work quickly, and they have no downsides. 1. Havening. Practice havening whenever you’re upset, stressed, or anxious. Havening is a very simple strategy—so easy even children can do it—you… Read more
Overcoming Panic Attacks
Strategies for in the Moment Working with the experience instead of resisting it can significantly reduce the intensity of panic attacks over time. The key is to approach the panic with acceptance rather than resistance. Struggling against it often intensifies the experience, while a calm, accepting approach can help defuse it. Here’s a quick outline… Read more
10 Reasons to Journal
There are Science-Based Benefits T Reasons to Write To be effective, writing must include searching for understanding/solutions. Read more
The Science Behind our ‘Comfort Zone’
What is it, and How Do We Change It? Have we ever wondered why we love to stay in our comfort zone? Like, what is the actual science behind it? Neural pathways, like ruts in soil from water, are created in our brain by repetition – stuff we’re used to doing all the time. So,… Read more
Does God Want Me to Love Myself?
Self-Love, or Self-Absorbtion Are we supposed to love ourselves according to God? There is a difference between loving myself and self-absorption. The self-absorbed person is fixated on her own feelings, thoughts, body, and life without much thought of others except what they think of her. This results in a life of selfishness and lack of… Read more