Author: Gen
How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance
A Huberman Lab Resource The respiratory system is unique among brain and bodily functions in that it interfaces between our conscious and our subconscious. Breathing does not require that we pay attention to it or that we are even aware of it (it’s an automatic function like digestion or heartbeat). But, at any moment, we… Read more
Why Learning Becomes a Chore
The Science Behind It Why do preschoolers LOVE to learn and the rest of us don’t? When does our brain become so resistant to education? There are a couple of reasons. One. Babies’ brains can’t not learn. From birth to about two, our brain absorbs everything, like a sponge, just like people always say. No… Read more
10 Questions for Finding Yourself
Free Your Brain to Find Your Purpose “You must know yourself to grow yourself.” —John Maxwell Did you go off to find yourself only to come back still lost? Yeah, me too. With no map, it’s hard to find what it is we’re looking for. So here are a few things that will get us… Read more
Find Your Core Values
Values are Our Guideposts in Life “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” ~ Roy E. Disney Our personal core values are the guiding principles that shape our actions, decisions, and behavior throughout life. Identifying and understanding our authentic core values can help us live more intentional and fulfilling lives. Once… Read more
Turn Your Dreams into Reality
Coach Yourself: The Rocking Chair Journal “The wiser mind mourns less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind.” ~William Wordsworth Our life will go in the direction of our strongest thoughts. Studies are numerous that support this truth, but it only takes an observing eye to see it’s a self-evident concept. People… Read more
Lovingkindness Meditation
Calm Down While Lifting Others Up Loving Kindness Meditation (LKM) is intended to develop feelings of goodwill and warmth toward others. It has been found to quickly increase positive emotions and decrease negative ones, decrease pain and migraine headaches, reduce symptoms of posttraumatic stress, increase gray matter in the emotional processing areas of the brain,… Read more
The Link Between Alcohol and Depression
Does Depression Lead to Alcohol Use – Or is it the Other Way Around? In a normal state, when we feel generally calm, the level of dopamine in our bodies is considered at baseline. When we experience pleasure, our dopamine spikes above baseline, and when we experience pain, it dips below baseline. Our body (and… Read more
Emotional Triggers Worksheet
A Practical Tool for Processing Emotions If possible, write out your answers, it’s proven to be more effective in processing than mental practice alone. First: Separate yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly 5-10x. Feel the emotion. Then: Say to yourself, “It’s okay to feel this.” “It’s an experience that will pass.” Questions for discovery: I feel… Read more
5 Things that Harm Your Brain
Your Amazing Brain The brain is the most amazing, complex, energy hungry organ in the universe! Your Brain is Your Most Valuable Commodity!!! DID YOU KNOW? “We only use 10% of our brain” is a myth. We use all of our brain all of the time (admittedly, some more efficiently than others). Consider these statistics… Read more
Find Your Life
Find Your Life The young girl gazed at the small, clear box in fascination. She had heard the stories all her life. Her mom had gotten the box from her mother and she got it from hers. She was the fourth generation to receive the heirloom, but the seed inside was still in perfect condition.… Read more