Before You Do Something You’ll Regret …
GOOD STRESS = appreciated and managed stress = compels us to become better and stronger.
Stress is what inspires innovation and problem-solving, but sometimes our job isn’t the best source of healthy stress. Even in a great work environment, where opinions differ, stress can move from healthy to toxic if we’re not careful.
TOXIC STRESS = dreaded and unmanaged stress = physical and mental deterioration.
Overwhelming and chronic feelings of pressure and anxiety take their toll on our bodies and minds.
- Maintain good physical and mental well-being
- We are designed to handle stress, but being healthy is critical in equipping us.
- A healthy diet and exercise are the foundation for success in all other areas of our lives.
- Get quality sleep (7-9 hours)
- Cerebrospinal fluid washes the brain during sleep.
- The brain processes and organizes the day during sleep.
- Alcohol prevents deep restorative sleep.
- Morning routine that sets you up for success.
- Healthy breakfast
- No rushing
- Daily self-care
- Take time while showering, dressing, and meals.
- Read something inspirational.
- Avoid busyness.
- Meditation/prayer.
- Time to decompress.
- Journaling.
- Time for relaxation and joy.
HOW TO AVOID TOXIC STRESS AT WORK (in addition to the above strategies)
- Avoid stressful people and situations when possible.
- Take a break to breathe and move every hour, releasing tension from your body.
- Take a midday break to power nap or meditate. This reboots the brain.
- Smile a lot
- This releases dopamine, and will be contagious
- Don’t be a perfectionist
- The goal is progress, not perfection.
- Have a balanced schedule
- If you feel overwhelmed often, speak with your boss about a lighter workload
- Keep healthy boundaries
- You can be an excellent worker without being taken advantage of
- Kill the ANTs
- Automatic Negative Thoughts
Take a time out if things get dicey
- Bathroom break, ask for a moment, suggest a hold until a later time
- Breathwork – calms the amygdala and keeps the prefrontal cortex online
- Box breathing – This will take less than 2 minutes.
- Inhale slowly.
- Hold for several seconds.
- Exhale very slowly (twice as long as inhale).
- Hold for several seconds.
- Repeat 10 times.
- Box breathing – This will take less than 2 minutes.